
We have a moral obligation to care for people suffering mental illness and addiction. Caring is not the same as coddling. True caring must go beyond superficial kindness and allow individuals to develop the internal discipline we all need whether for recovery or flourishing.


Equal treatment under the law is the foundation of our democratic civilization. We must enforce laws fairly without regard to race, sex, or other kinds of group identity. 


Our freedom is at the core of what it means to be American, and we must protect it. But freedom alone is not enough. Freedom depends on order, and must be balanced by responsibility.


Our cities, our state, and our country are sacred. So too is our freedom and our democracy. We should cherish, maintain, and protect them.


The authority of our government lies with the democratic will of all our people, not favored groups and special interests.


We must be loyal to our selves, our families, and our communities, and to our cities, our state, and our nation, if we are to protect our freedom and flourishing.